Sound of the Mushroom
This blog is my effort to puzzle out the world. I'll write whatever comes into my head, but probably return frequently to my obsessions. I seem to be interested in the workings of democracy, economics, the functioning of social groups, the future of humanity, scientific concepts, statistical concepts, logical thinking, nuclear power, evolution, space, the environment and most everything else. I'll try to post only when I think I have my own angle on something.
thanks for the thing it proves is that neither Falwell or Roberts speak for God. Like that needed proving?
If you were to look at 20 of your friends, surely one of them must be wise enough and caring enough to explain to you that these people are inadequate to the task. How can these guys be so popular? I don't believe anyone has the capacity to speak for God, certainly not a man.
The big problem is that most of us choose our friends based on how much they agree with us. It's hard to wise up when that happens. Most of Pat Robert's stupid statements occur when he and a buddy are cooing at each other on national TV, agreeing with progressively more extreme points of view, not stopping to reevaluate or question.
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